Thursday 26 December 2013

Radagast the Brown

The last of two models from the Escape from Goblin Town set that has sat unpainted for a year now.  In the interests of completing things before the end of the year I have finished him off, and nearly done Gandalf, the last of the group.  I followed the very good Tale of Painters tutorials for the two of them, which are excellent, but follow a slightly different process than I would - finishing each item up to the final state before starting the next (I like to base coat all, then wash all, highlight etc).  See Radagast's here.  Here are the photos:

You might notice his staff looks a little different.  It snapped off while I was outside holding my one year old daughter (don't ask).  And it fell into a small pile of twigs and stuff.  All I can say is that my painting skills are obviously so superior that I had no chance of finding this model staff among real twigs and had to use an old Gandalf model from the fellowship instead.  Don't look too bad really.

Radagast from the first Hobbit film has had mixed reviews.  Not quite fitting the model of an Istari, who has been sent by the Valar, he has been compared more to Jar Jar Binks, than his illustrious companions.  He didn't irritate me too much, but I would like to see him made a bit more serious than he is.

All in all, a cool model and not too unhappy with the final product.


  1. You have done a brilliant job Dan, and I would never have noticed the staff issue if you had no mentioned it! I can see what has been said about the Istari connection and 'seriousness', but have to say I found the PJ rendition quite 'charming'...

  2. Brill job on him !. I can't make my mind up about this figures as to whether I prefer the new or the old versions. Great job though!

  3. Looking real good! Especially the coat looks brilliant

  4. Thanks Guys. I do prefer him to the old Radagast, as he has more Character. I think I am with you Scott too, keen to see how he is in the new film.

  5. The replacement staff looks very nice.


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